For the second year in a row, the employees of Hendrick Motors of Charlotte decided they wanted to help those less fortunate in our community.
The team wanted to do something related to gifts for children who would otherwise go without. We were directed to The Children’s Attention Home ( ) in Rock Hill, SC. The Children’s Attention Home is a private, non-profit emergency shelter for abandoned, neglected, and abused children ages infant to 18.
When we contacted the home to see what they needed we were really surprised at what they said. It was not presents or gifts that were needed by these kids- it was the sheer basic necessities of life that they needed- everything from toothbrushes to flour to cough medicine to socks. They explained that most times these kids arrive at the home in the middle of the night, scared and with nothing more than the pajamas on their back.
We are very grateful to work for such a fantastic organization that provides us employees and our families the opportunity to be able to help others- especially the wonderful people at the Children’s Attention Home.
Pictures of delivery of items to Children's Attention Home on December 22, 2011.